Kids.Woot is celebrating breeders everywhere this week with their Baby Shower Event, and we're GIVING AWAY a BABYBJORN BabySitter Balance to one lucky Facebooker.
Friday, June 06
Tuesday, June 03
Truth Bombs For New Moms
In case you haven't noticed, it's Baby Shower Week at Kids.Woot! We're offering up all the gizmos and gadgets that new moms want for their adorable little bundles of snot, poop and spit-up. From diaper bags to sleep sacks and everything in between, you can buy it all for yourself of your favorite mom-to-be.
What you won't find in our endless array of kid wares is answers. Answers to the burning questions new moms may be too afraid to ask, or the ones no one wants to own up to because they've buried the memories deep, deep down inside.
We believe in brutal truth here at Woot, so we've gathered some of our favorite new-mom questions and asked our seasoned veterans for their honest opinions. You ready? Be sure. Because after you read these, life will never be the same. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Monday, July 22
Deal Cafeteria: Fill Your Tray with Back-to-School Deals
"No shoving, you little monsters! I'm Doris Sue, HLIC (Head Lunchlady In Charge) at the Kids.Woot Deal Cafeteria, and I run an orderly lunchroom! We're warming enough back-to-school deals under these red lights for everyone. Nobody goes hungry if Doris Sue has anything to say about it. But this buffet doesn't have any brussels sprouts, 60% beef burgers, or chocolate milk that expires tomorrow. This Deal Cafeteria is all about the back-to-school specials!
"All week long, our stainless steel pans will be heaped with everything you need to start the school year satisfied. We're talking daily main dish deals, some Woot Plus event sides - and we're serving up one steaming scoop after another, Monday through Saturday, on the Kids.Woot front page. So grab a tray, get in line, and pile up the mouth-watering school-supply bargains at the Deal Cafeteria!
"No horseplay from you, no horsemeat from us - just all the back-to-school deals you can eat or my name's not Doris Sue! But first, let me see those hands. I run a clean Deal Cafeteria here."
Thursday, June 27
Tot Sauce: A Toddler's Guide to Fitness
If you haven't noticed yet, all this week this thing has been going on over at Sport.Woot. We're cramming all the fitness deals we can onto the site with the promise that Woot Will (make unsubstantiated claims to) Get You Ripped in 5 Days!
Monday, June 10
KidFoot, All Summer Long!
Hey, have you noticed something different at the bottom of Kids.Woot? KidFoot is back for the whole summer! That's right, Wendel and Kiki will be playing games, singing songs, and eating decaying meat every Thursday through August!
Tuesday, May 21
Tot Sauce: In Case of Emergency
There is no way to fully comprehend the tremendous loss that the residents of Moore, Oklahoma experienced yesterday. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the deadly tornado.
Over the course of the last two days, I have seen a whole lot of "woulda, coulda, shouldas" from people, angry and confused, trying to make sense of the terrible disaster for which there really is no rhyme or reason.
Tuesday, May 14
Tot Sauce: Good News You Guys
When I was pregnant, the list of pregnancy dos and don'ts was very intimidating to me. Don't eat lunch meat or soft cheeses. Do sob uncontrollably when you find out you're not supposed to eat lunch meat and soft cheeses. Don't fly when you're more than eight months pregnant. Do consider divorce when your husband jokes that you'd need to buy two seats anyway.
Tuesday, May 07
Tot Sauce: A Loss for Words
I found out yesterday that one of my friends lost her 5-day-old daughter. There were no complications with the pregnancy and no indication ahead of time that anything was wrong. She was a beautiful 8-pound baby girl who the world didn't have nearly enough time to love.
Tuesday, April 30
Tot Sauce: Kids Say the Creepiest Things
My son isn't old enough to speak in full sentences, so he hasn't said anything particularly disturbing yet. The closest thing I have to relate is the night he offered his milk to mommy, then daddy, then an invisible person apparently standing behind us. Later that night during bath time, he also pointed to the invisible person standing in the bathroom doorway, and then waved goodnight to the invisible person at bed time. Every time he did it, shivers ran down my spine.
Tuesday, April 23
Tot Sauce: Sharing is Caring
From the day we are born, it's ingrained in us that sharing is the good and right thing to do. I have two cookies and you have none, so I'll give you one so we both have a treat to enjoy. But should sharing be mandatory?
Tuesday, April 09
Tot Sauce: Crocodile Tears
If you have a toddler now or have had one in the past, you know what it's like. Anything, even the most undramatic, non-issue issues can set them off. One minute they're happily chattering away with their favorite toy, the next minute they're completely losing it. Zero to meltdown in two seconds flat.
Tuesday, April 02
Tot Sauce: Hunger Strike
Guys! Have you heard about the new toddler diet craze that's sweeping the nation? It's the Milk Fast! It's really easy to do. If you're a toddler, you simply refuse all solid foods, including your normally most favorite foods like banana and those gross little sausages in the jar, and only drink milk (and sometimes water).
Tuesday, March 26
Tot Sauce: In and Out
I do my best not to pass judgment on anyone, especially other parents because I know how physically and emotionally taxing it can be at times. That being said, I am human, and when I see things like this story of a mother who left her sleeping infant inside the car while she shopped, I find myself saying, "What the heck was she thinking?" I'm the kind of person who won't even leave my dog tied up outside while I'm in a store or a restaurant.
Tuesday, March 19
Tot Sauce: Public Shaming
So you find out that your kid has been stealing, from friends, from stores, from you. She actually seems proud of it, and even brags about how she likes to steal. You tell her that stealing is wrong and not at all acceptable. She continues to steal. You punish her by taking away toys and privileges. She still steals. Now what?
Tuesday, March 05
Tot Sauce: We Have Lift-Off!
I'm sure you guys have totally been on the edges of your seats, so I thought I'd give you a little update. My kid says words now. Real words. With intent. It was a pretty exciting day in the Nance household when my son pointed to the bananas (his favorite food in the whole wide world) and said "Nana!"
Tuesday, February 26
Tot Sauce: Picky Eaters
I'm often surprised by the things my son will and won't eat. When he was first starting solid foods, he loved avocado. Now he bats it away or spits it out. But then I made chicken enchiladas the other night. I always offer him a little of what I've made for us, just to see if he'll eat it. To my surprise, he gobbled up the chicken enchiladas with enthusiasm.
Tuesday, February 19
Tot Sauce: Throwing Down
So I had a fun little experience a couple nights ago. For the first time that I've noticed, my son deliberately disobeyed me just to get a reaction. It was so blatant that it was almost comical, and I actually had to turn around so he wouldn't see me laughing.
Tuesday, February 05
Tot Sauce: Rain or Shine
One thing I love about Seattle is that no matter how rainy and dreary it is, people still get out and about. I guess that's because if they waited for a sunny day, they'd be holed up inside from November to July.
Tuesday, January 29
Tot Sauce: And We're Back
Hey everyone! It's been awhile. Lots of new things going on in this neck of the woods. My son officially transitioned from the infant to the toddler room at daycare. Big, exciting stuff, I tell ya. He's 15 months old and into everything. Still not saying a word, though. Well, nothing intelligible at least. There may have been a "dog" once or twice, but not sure. I think he might also be trying to say, "bye bye."
Tuesday, October 16
Tot Sauce: Hey Lady, Watch Your Kid