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Tot Sauce: Pushing Your Luck

by Amy Nance

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for parental rights. I don't think parents should be treated as subhuman because they have children. But I also don't believe they should be afforded any special treatment because of it either. Lately I have noticed a trend towards what I like to call "in-your-face parenting." These are the parents who do whatever they want without regard to other people and say "Screw you and mind your own business" if you dare call them on their questionable behavior.

Case in point: This mother who stripped down her twin toddlers and potty trained them in the middle of a busy restaurant. So there they were, doing their business at the table while shocked patrons looked on. REALLY? How could this mother think this is even remotely acceptable? First of all, it's a tremendous health code violation. Secondly, it's disgusting. Why in the world did she not take them to the restroom? Listen, I understand how hard it is to be a parent. It's physically and emotionally exhausting, and at times you feel like you're losing your mind. And that's just with one. I can't even fathom what it's like with two. But common sense is common sense. Not to mention common decency.

Then there was this situation with this college professor. Some students complained that she breastfed her baby in the middle of her lecture. But I don't think the issue is the breastfeeding. A baby has to eat. The real issue is, why did she have her child in class in the first place? Turns out her baby was sick, and was therefore unable to attend daycare. So instead of staying home with the child or arranging for other care, she just decided to bring her to work. Must be nice to have that option. I certainly do not. And there's a reason for it. Children demand a lot of attention. Therefore, they are a distraction. Not just to the parent, but to anyone within proximity who is trying to work. Or in this case, learn. I'm with the students on this one. I would be pretty annoyed if I had paid good money for a college class, only to have the professor half-ass her lecture because she's simultaneously dealing with a sick kid. Also, thanks for giving me your cold, Kid.

Photo by Flickr member ToddMorris, used under a Creative Commons License.