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Tot Sauce: Pregnant and Active

by Amy Nance

I saw an article this morning about an Olympian who will be 8 months pregnant when she competes in London next week. Granted she's a rifle shooter and not a marathon runner, but she's still getting grief for participating. The naysayers are claiming she's putting the health of her baby in jeopardy. Aside from the flight, I don't really see the problem. 

When I was pregnant, my doctor told me that as long as I was active before, there was no harm in being active at the same level during pregnancy. In other words, if you were a runner before getting pregnant, that baby bump shouldn't stop you from running throughout your pregnancy. Not that I listened to a word of that advice.

But I did have quite a few friends who continued to run, take dance classes or do yoga all throughout their pregnancies. Not surprisingly, those same ladies bounced back to their pre-pregnancy bods a lot faster than I did after my 9-month couch-surfing sabbatical.

So what about you? Were you active all throughout your pregnancy, or did you take it easy the entire time?


Photo by Flickr member lululemon athletica, used under a Creative Commons License.