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Tot Sauce: Good Oral Hygiene

by Amy Nance

You wouldn't think of going a day without brushing your own teeth. At least, I hope you wouldn't. Oh, you do sometimes? No no. That's cool. Yeah, I can totally hear you from way over here. No need to get closer. So anyway, yeah.

One of my friends called me not so long ago. She was upset because her 18-month-old son has to have oral surgery. There were some issues during his birth that have led to poor enamel development, so even though she brushes his teeth every day, his teeth are prone to cavities.

But that made me think ... at what age should you start brushing your child's teeth? My assumption is, as soon as they get them, right? I've been trying this with my now 10-month-old son since he was 8 months old. And let me tell ya, it ain't no pleasure cruise.

He has six teeth. Four up top and two on bottom. I bought him a tiny baby toothbrush and some baby-friendly toothpaste. I've been trying to make a routine of it. Whenever I'm brushing mine, we brush his. But I can only get in a couple decent swipes before he wiggles away, grabs the brush, starts screaming or all of the above. So I usually just end up letting him chew on it while I finish getting ready.

So ... do you brush your little one's teeth? And if so, HOW? There must be a trick to it that I'm not thinking of. Your guidance is much appreciated. :)

Photo by Flickr member Jean Pichot, used under a Creative Commons License.