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Tot Sauce: First Father's Day

by Amy Nance

Yesterday was my husband's first Father's Day (that I know of, anyway!) Seeing as how my 7-month-old is COMPLETELY useless in the kitchen, it was up to me to get up early and make breakfast for him.

We had bacon and eggs and waffles. But not just any waffles. One of my friends told me about cinnamon roll waffles. Basically, you just cook Pillsbury Grands cinnamon rolls in a waffle iron for 3-4 minutes, add a little milk to the cream cheese frosting and serve it as a glaze instead of syrup. Probably shouldn't be an everyday thing, but they were a delicious special treat. You should try it. And you're welcome. :)

I also scheduled a massage appointment for my husband later in the afternoon, and we finished the weekend off with a nice dinner out. It was a great day. And of course I didn't forget about my own dear old dad. As I write this, he's probably concocting his own brew with the Mr. Beer kit I sent him.

So what did you do for Father's Day? Are your kids old enough to contribute their own special gifts for the occasion? 


Photo by Flickr member Rodrigo_Amorim, used under a Creative Commons License.